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时间:2011-10-28 19:34来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

RDY Ready
REC Recall, receiver
RECT Rectifier
RECV Receive
REJ Reject
REL Release
RET Retract
RETRAN Retransmit
RFD Remote frequency display
RHE Remote HELLFIRE electronics
RKT Rocket
RLG Ring laser gyroscope
RMP Reprogrammable microprocessor
RMS Rotorcraft mapping system
RMT Remote
RNG Range
RPM Revolutions per minute
RST Reset
RT Radio transmitter
RTN Return
RWR Radar warning receiver
TM 1-1520-248-10
SA Situation awareness, Selective availability
SAM Surface-to-air missile
SAT(S) Satellite(s)
SC Single channel
SCAS Stability and control augmentation system
SCL Scale
SCTY Security
SEC Seconds
SEL Select
SEU Sight electronics unit
SF Station failure
S GEN Starter generator
SH ALIGN Stored heading alignment
SHP Shaft horsepower
SINCGARS Single channel ground/air radio system
SIP SINCGARS improvement program
SIT Situation
SLAV Slave
SPEC Specifications
SPRL Spiral
SPS Sensor processor subsystem
SQ FT Square feet
SQL Squelch
SRCH Search
SRCH LT Search light
STA Station
START Starter
STBY Standby
STK Stick
STOR Store
STR Strength
SUBS Subscribers
SYMB Symbology
SYNC Synchronize
SYS System
T Time, test
TAC Tactical
TACFIRE Tactical fire direction
TAMS Transmission attitude measurement system
TM 1-1520-248-10
TAS True airspeed
TCU Thermal conditioning unit
TEMP Temperature
TEMP ORID Temperature override
TGT Target, turbine gas temperature
TIS Thermal imaging sensor
TIS INTEG Thermal imaging sensor integrator
TOD Time of day
TOF Time of flight
TRANS Transmit, transmission
T/R Transmit/receive, tail rotor
直升机网 www.helicopter.cn
直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn
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