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Sun Gear Fault Detection on an OH-58C Helicopter Transmission(27)

时间:2011-10-26 20:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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Figure 29 is the result for a single tooth spall. In Fig-ure 29a, four locations are highlighted that show signif-icant deviation from corresponding TMPs from adjacent pass groups. Looking at the Sun Tooth ID number reveals that this set forms a mesh group. These same locations are circled in the corresponding Vibration Separation Vector in Figure 28b. This is important because it demonstrates

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
that when a damaged tooth meshes, no matter where, a de-viation in the measured baseline waveform results. This is akin to the sun’s damage being sensed by all sensors each time it meshes. Thus, it turns out that waveform deviations in sun gear mesh groups are strong indicators of sun tooth damage.
Figure 30 shows the result for the multiple fault case. This plot clearly shows the damage results of the sun gear. The circled regions represent a sun gear mesh group. When combined into a Vibration Separation Vector, the damage is even more apparent.
Figure 31 compares the Vibration Separation Vectors for each damage level: baseline (BL), single tooth spall (MD), and multiple tooth fault (HD) using the A3/P1 com-bination as a representative example. Results are given for the low power case (80HP -6208RPM@803 in-lbs.) and for the high power case (298HP -6060RPM@3099 in-lbs.). The y-axis scales are kept the same to aid in comparing the waveforms. In addition to the waveform comparisons, the CI values are computed and plotted relative to the baseline values.
For both the baseline and single tooth spall cases, per-ceptible deviations in the waveform were absent. For the multiple fault case however, a distinctive pattern emerges which is more pronounced for the low power case than the high power case. In addition, the deviation occurs in mesh groups con.rming that the sun gear is the culprit.
These results are supported by the FM4 value. For the single tooth spall case, the FM4 value decreased by 5% for the low power case and increase only 1% for the high power case. For the multiple fault case, the FM4 value increased by a factor of 3.1 for the low power case and a factor of
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