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Sun Gear Fault Detection on an OH-58C Helicopter Transmission(3)

时间:2011-10-26 20:59来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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This current work introduces two new analysis tools to aid in sun gear fault detection and validates its use on a full-scale OH-58C, helicopter transmission. Test were con-ducted using various dynamics sensors. The paper focuses on the accelerometer signals.
The speci.c damage modes of interest are pitting and spalling on two sun gears. The seeded fault test conducted for this study are short duration, with the assumption that long time duration methods would be used to identify the possibility of damage, and the methodology developed in this research is used as a second-tier analysis to provide a higher degree of interrogation with the aim of reducing the number of false alarms.
Helicopter Transmission HUMS

Gears mesh with a characteristic vibration signature and as the system becomes damaged, this signature changes, producing abnormalities. The traditional approach to fault detection relies on human expertise to identify the abnor-malities. However, its useful to develop reliable methods that allow inexperienced users to detect and characterize fault conditions. Because of this, a means to process mea-sured information, quantify the amount of damage, and use resulting values to produce an action item is essential for an effective fault-detection program. This is the role of Condition Indicators (CIs). Traditional CIs deal with data distributions with the basic premise that measured signals have a deterministic structure based on operating condi-tions. Analysis tools look for statistically signi.cant de-viations from the baseline signatures and attempt to relate deviations to presence of damage.
Currently, vibration measurements are the main tech-niques for monitoring the health of a helicopter transmis-sion. Signals from accelerometers mounted to a helicopter gearbox have a distinct frequency spectrum dependent on internal meshing dynamics. Since the transmission system is periodic, its spectrum contains components at shaft fre-quencies and their harmonics, as well as the fundamental gear mesh frequencies and their harmonics. These are con-sidered the system’s regular components.
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