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Helicopter Flight Simulation Motion Platform Requirements(38)

时间:2011-11-12 12:15来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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Keeping essentially the same motion gain, but increasing the phase distortion to configuration V6 resulted in comments indicating a performance loss because of a reduction in precision and aggressiveness. Fidelity ratings of medium are consistent with Sinacori’s hypothesized boundaries (ref. 44).
A reduction of gain to 0.3, but with a low phase distortion in configuration V7 resulted in adequate performance, fears of overshooting, and comments that the motion was almost unusable. These comments were repeated for the remaining configurations, V8 and V9; the objective performance worsened as the phase distortion increased. From the comments and ratings, configurations V7, V8, and V9 were consistent with Sinacori’s hypothe-sized boundaries (ref. 44). Therefore, regardless of the phase distortion, a gain of 0.3 results in low fidelity.
Referring to the fixed-base configuration, V10, two pilots said that they put the control input in the wrong direction during the run. Pilots were generally stunned at the effects of the total loss of motion. During the 1:1 calibration runs, one pilot made a comment prior to the evaluations that “The visual scene is so compelling at conveying the error that it seems to primarily be a visual task . . . I would expect the effects of motion to be minor.” Another pilot commented after the fixed-base configuration “I have never experienced such a dramatic disconnect from reality as during that configuration, as compared to the full-motion case.” Thus, caution should be used when inter-preting a priori conjectures on the value of motion, even when given by experienced test pilots with considerable simulation experience.
Motion cues were certainly perceived by the pilots in all but this fixed-based configuration. This is evident from the performance and comments, but it is also consistent with tests that have determined the vertical-acceleration sensing threshold to be in the 0.09-0.27 ft/sec2 range (ref. 19). This threshold was exceeded in all but the fixed-base configuration.

Suggested Revision to Fidelity Criteria
Based on these results, a revision to the vertical axis of Sinacori’s criterion is suggested in figure 51. Here, the changes consist of lowering the gain required when the phase distortion is low. The gain for the high-fidelity region is reduced to account for the results of the V5 configuration. The medium-fidelity region has been extended to a lower gain, but kept above that of the V7 configuration, which has a gain of 0.3. These suggestions are consistent in trend with the data of Mitchell and Hart (ref. 47), which indicated a preference for low-gain, low phase-distortion motion over high-gain, high phase-distortion motion. Also, the fidelity boundaries have been rounded to account for the reduction in fidelity when a gain attenuation is combined with phase distortion. The determination of exactly where the rounding should begin and end requires additional data.
Also, slight wording changes are suggested to the motion-fidelity definitions of figure 4 to alleviate the previously mentioned difficulties in their use. The word “disorienta-tion” should be removed; it caused some pilots to shy away from the low rating. Although a configuration may have been objectionable, the pilots felt no disorientation. The suggested rewording, as noted on figure 51, should suffice, since any disorientation experienced would be expected to receive an “objectionable” description.
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