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Helicopter Flight Simulation Motion Platform Requirements(43)

时间:2011-11-12 12:15来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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The overall disturbance-rejection results suggest three points. First, the speed at which the disturbance is rejected is affected primarily by the high-pass motion filter’s natural frequency. Second, motion-filter gain appears to affect the relative damping of the disturbance-rejection loop, rather than being driven more by filter natural frequency as in the target-following loop. Third, both the lowest crossover frequency and the lowest phase margin of the disturbance-rejection loop occurred in the no-motion case.


Total Tracking Error. Vertical tracking errors are all of the motion configurations, V1–V9, had better shown in figure 60. This error accrues from both the performance than the no-motion V10, while no tracking-target and the disturbance inputs. The four lowest errors error differences were present among the V1–V9 config-occurred for the lowest phase-error configurations, but the urations at the 5% level. Hence, the biggest effect on error differences between any two of the motion configurations reduction was simply the presence of motion rather than were not large. The Newman-Keuls results indicated that its characteristics.
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 ror, mean and rms, rad/sec K ω  1.0 0.0  0.9 0.2  1.0 0.5  1.0 0.9  0.7 0.2  0.7 0.5  0.3 0.2  0.3 0.5  0.4 0.9  0.0 0.0 
0.5Tracking er
Figure 60. Vertical tracking errors.

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10

Subjective Performance Data
Figure 61 provides the motion-fidelity ratings using the definitions stated earlier. The ratings are divided into “high,” “medium,” “low,” and “split,” where split refers to a pilot assigning inconsistent ratings for repeated runs of the same configuration. Split ratings only occurred for the V1 configuration; this was more likely, because configuration VI had more repeat evaluations than the other cases. The ratings indicate that no pilot perceived the K = 0.3 cases to be high fidelity. Configuration V2 received the best overall ratings, and also had the lowest mean tracking error as shown earlier. Configuration V3 surprisingly received two low ratings; V4 received no low ratings. Configuration V6, which is essentially a combi-nation of the natural frequency of V3 and the gain of V5, was rated worse than either V3 or V5. No configurations in which the high-pass filter’s high-frequency gain was less than 0.3 was judged to be high fidelity. All pilots rated the fixed-base condition to be low fidelity.
Summarizing the results of this section, the presence and quality of motion influenced both target tracking and disturbance rejection. Motion-filter natural frequency affected both target tracking and disturbance rejection, whereas motion gain affected only disturbance rejection. Overall, the results from this dual task are consistent with those presented in section 4.
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