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Helicopter Flight Simulation Motion Platform Requirements(51)

时间:2011-11-12 12:15来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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Figure 70. Motion platform logic for roll/lateral task.
As such, the cues felt by the pilot were all in phase with the visual scene. Usually, this is not the case, because high-pass (washout) filters introduce a distortion between not only the motion and visual cues, but also between motion cue axes.
For small angles, the motion system mechanization of figure 70 results in a false lateral specific force given by
ay = g K ( . 1)Krollφ (24)
Thus, as expected, decreasing lateral translational gain increases the false cue. However, for a given Klat, increas-ing the roll gain, Kroll, also increases the false lateral translational cue. So, increasing the roll gain improves the fidelity of the roll acceleration cue, but if the subse-quent lateral translational motion is not coordinated, the improvement comes at the expense of increasing the false lateral translational cue.
Table 4 shows the combinations of roll and lateral translational motion gains that were tested. Figure 71 shows these combinations with arrows indicating predicted fidelity trends for the variations in the motion gains. As Kroll increases, the fidelity of roll accelerations and rates would increase, but at a given Klat, coordination would decrease, as the leans resulting from roll would increase. From the earlier equation for ayplat, the false lateral specific force for a given roll attitude decreases along the diagonal.
Table 4. Motion gains tested for roll/lateral experiment.
Klat Kroll
0.0 0.0
0.4 0.2
0.4 0.4
0.4 0.6
0.6 0.2
0.6 0.4
0.6 0.6
0.8 0.2
0.8 0.4


Increasing roll fidelity
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0



Three test pilots participated in the study. The pilots were from NASA Ames, the Federal Aviation Administration, and Lockheed-Martin. All pilots had significant flight and simulation experience. The NASA and the FAA pilot had extensive helicopter experience, and the Lockheed Martin pilot had experience in hovering jet aircraft.
Pilots practiced with a motion configuration selected randomly at the beginning of each test period. During the trials, each of the three pilots evaluated the configurations in a random order. Pilots rated each configuration after performing the task with that configuration three times.
Pilots subjectively evaluated the configurations in two categories: motion fidelity and handling qualities. For motion fidelity, they used the scale developed by Sinacori (ref. 44), but with the modifications suggested in Vertical Experiment I. The scale is shown in table 5. To rate the handling qualities, the Cooper-Harper scale was used (ref. 53). An overview of the scale is given in appendix D.
Table 5. Revised motion fidelity scale.
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