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Helicopter Flight Simulation Motion Platform Requirements(54)

时间:2011-11-12 12:15来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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The second poor match is for the full-motion (Klat = 0.4/Kroll = 0.2) configuration. On average, the pilots rated the fidelity of this configuration Medium. A possible reason that Medium, instead of High, ratings were given is that some of the undesired side-effects of providing extremely large motion were noticed. An example of a VMS artifact is the rack-and-pinion noise that is propor-tional to lateral-track velocity. Pilots commented on the noise, and since it represents a sensation noticeably different from flight, a rating of Medium fidelity results. Since the Klat = 0.8/Kroll = 0.6 configuration effectively results in 48% of the lateral translational motion used in the 1:1 case, artifacts such as the above are reduced significantly. Another possible side-effect is the imperfect high-frequency coordination between the roll and lateral axes; for high-frequency tracking, using high gains can reveal a noticeable, but not objectionable, sensation (i.e., the definition of Medium fidelity). Still, with these two exceptions, the criterion in figure 79 correlates well with the data.


8. Discussion of Overall Results
General Discussion
These experiments showed the powerful effect that platform motion has on pilot-vehicle performance and on pilot opinion in flight simulation. Often, the quantitative measures have supported the pilot’s subjective measures, which adds confidence to the results. In addition, frequency-response analyses offer an explanation of how the characteristics of the motion filter affect closed-loop performance.
The powerful effect of motion was shown even when the pilot was creating his own motion, which was the case in all of the tasks except the disturbance-rejection task discussed in section 5. This result conflicts with the views of Hunter et al. (ref. 14) and Puig et al. (ref. 15). The difference between these two views is almost certainly a result of differences in vehicle dynamics. At low speed, fixed-wing aircraft on stabilized paths do not require as much compensation from a pilot as do helicopters. In addition, the tasks that helicopters perform often require the pilot to control all six degrees of freedom of the vehicle simultaneously. Improved fidelity of external cues, such as motion cues, aid in the effective pilot control of the vehicle. Thus, motion requirements cannot be defined by task alone. Both the task and the vehicle must be considered in concert.
This report has illustrated the performance and opinion differences that arise when simulator motion is provided, but it has not shown if there is any training benefit to the use of motion. It is possible that training in a more difficult task environment (no motion) may actually shorten or improve training. For instance, learning to balance a short inverted pendulum can train a person to balance a long inverted pendulum easily. However, if lack of motion causes a bad habit to be learned, then that would certainly argue against training without motion. The effectiveness of training without motion would require a careful transfer-of-training study.
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