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Helicopter Flight Simulation Motion Platform Requirements(61)

时间:2011-11-12 12:15来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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These models represent the latest research findings in the field of motion sensing, but they are incomplete and have limitations. Zacharias points out that there have to be studies to develop an integrated cueing model (ref. 31).
To summarize, substantial work in human sensory modeling has provided useful, but incomplete, informa-tion for predicting motion platform effects on pilot-vehicle performance and workload. Rather than use these detailed sensory models, appendix B illustrates that some useful trends can be predicted by using a higher-level structural model of the pilot. Yet, as will be shown, this model fails to predict a pilot’s sensitivity to some key motion parameters. All of this points to the need for additional empirical data.

pendulum  Central nervous  Threshholds, 
dynamics  system delay  deg/sec 

Gravito-inertial force vector in earth-fixed frame Head roll inertia specific torque (disturbance)








Desired head roll Muscle Head Head



roll angle1





Specific torque Muscle spindle feedback due to gravity


Appendix B—Height Regulation Analysis with Previous Model
To acquire insight into the potential effects of motion on a pilot during the performance of a task, a state-of-the-art analytical model was used. The model was applied to the experiment described under Vertical Experiment I (sec. 4). The task in that experiment was an altitude reposition during hover, so it was a single-axis task. A plausible interconnection of the relevant system dynamics in the task is shown in figure B1. Here the pilot desires to attain the commanded altitude, hc. Based on the motion and visual cues, the pilot then adjusts his collective control position δ c to zero the difference between his actual and commanded altitude. All of the elements and connections in figure B1 are adequately known except for the pilot element.

In particular, what is not known is how the pilot uses the motion and visual cues to estimate vehicle state. Although the motion system has only acceleration as its input, and the visual system has only position as its input, what are each of these system’s effective outputs? It is reasonable to assume that the motion system provides a salient acceleration cue and that the visual system provides a strong position cue. It is often assumed that the visual system also supplies the velocity cue via the time-rate-of-change of the displayed positions. And certainly at a steady-state velocity, the motion system provides no cue.
These very assumptions are made by Hess and Malsbury (ref. 61) as shown in their “structural model of the pilot,” which is reproduced in figure B2 in the context of the altitude repositioning task discussed in section 4.
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