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Helicopter Flight Simulation Motion Platform Requirements(63)

时间:2011-11-12 12:15来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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This pilot gain determination process was repeated for the high-pass motion filter variations in Vertical Experiment I. Although the motion filter gain, K, was changed in that experiment, note that the adjustment rules of the model do not account for an effect due to that gain
K. That is because any changes in K are offset by adjust-ments in K˙˙h. So, the model only predicts performance differences owing to changes in the motion-filter natural frequency and not its gain.
For the five motion configurations that encompassed the motion-filter natural frequency changes, the predictions of the model are shown in table B1. The motion-filter configurations, V1, V2, V3, V4, and V10 are fully


described in Vertical Experiment I; however, V1 essen-tially represents a motion-filter transfer function of unity, and V2 through V4 represent increasing break frequencies of 0.245 to 0.885 rad/sec. The V10 configuration has no motion at all.
The last two columns of table B1 are the altitude-rate pilot-vehicle crossover frequency and the closed-loop altitude-rate bandwidth, respectively. The definition of bandwidth used in reference 61 was that of the –90° phase point. The frequency responses along with the bandwidth measure are shown in figure B3.
Note that the analytical model predicts a reduction in the vertical-velocity closed-loop bandwidth, from 6.36 to
4.27 rad/sec, as the motion feedback degrades from near full-motion to no motion. For the no-motion case, V10, the pilot has to increase his visual velocity feedback, which results in a higher crossover frequency than before, but in a lower closed-loop bandwidth.

Table B1. Analytical pilot-vehicle characteristics.

Configuration  Kh  Kh˙  Kh˙˙  ˙ / ˙h hcue e cω  ˙ / ˙hhc BW 
(1/sec)  (1/sec)  (rad/sec)  (rad/sec) 
V1  0.323  0.542  0.217  1.20  6.36 
V2  0.299  0.565  0.240  1.24  6.24 
V3  0.335  0.595  0.215  1.33  6.13 
V4  0.385  0.636  0.213  1.50  5.85 
V10  0.795  0.725  0.000  3.10  4.27 


Magnitude, dB

Phase, deg

Frequency, rad/sec
Figure B3. Closed-loop vertical-velocity frequency responses.
If the changes in the closed-loop system roots are the other roots are minimal. The heave damping examined for the above configurations, the effective heave argument, however, does not hold for the no-motion case damping goes from –1.4 sec–1 for the full-motion case (V10). In fact, although the bandwidth is less in this case, (V1) to –1.1 sec–1 for the V4 configuration. The location the damping of the primary closed-loop roots is good. of this root accounts for much of the bandwidth difference.
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